
  • FAMILY HISTORY GROUP – meets monthly in the library on the last Tuesday of each month (2-3.30 p.m) to share hints and tips, access free genealogy software, to help each other explore your family’s past.
  • WATERCOLOURS FOR BEGINNERS – Join Ed and the group on the first Tuesday of each month from 2-4 p.m.
  • READING GROUP – We now have a monthly Book Club, enabling interested members of our community who enjoy reading to explore different books, and meet each month to compare and discuss the content, over a cuppa in the warmth of the library
  • STORY & ACTIVITY TIME FOR YOUNGSTERS – Join Ann & Moira at 11 a.m. on Wednesdays during school holidays for story time, followed by story related crafts. Aimed for ages 6 and under. Must be accompanied by a responsible adult.